Study Tips To Ace Board Exams
5 min readMar 6, 2022

Follow These Simple Steps To Ace Your Board Exams

With Boards exams coming around the corner, one might fret and be wondering how to do last minute preparation in order to ace your boards exams. Well, In another 5 minutes, you will understand how can one do this.

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Well, I am bringing to you what I believe as a 1 month planner which can be your greatest ally right before your exams, you might be wondering how on earth can one do year long curriculum in just a month, but trust me, it will not be a difficult task.

You can divide your month long planner into 5 stages precisely.
Before we dive into each of these stages, let me give you a brief introduction to what these stages are.
Namely these are:
* Make Effective Study Schedule
* Study Smart
* Preparatory Guidelines
* Exam Day Strategy
* Do’s & Don’ts

Make Effective Study Schedule

Let’s talk about making your very own effective study schedule, the key here is to have a goal-oriented study schedule. You must be wondering what does this mean exactly, let me explain you what it really means. The goal here is to make fixed daily goals which you are sure of achieving and tailor your study accordingly to meet these daily targets. One guideline here to follow is that the goals which you make are SMART, by this, I mean that your goals should be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time Bound.

Now the second step here is to achieve the goals on a daily basis, you must be wondering on how would you do that, the key here will be to divide your daily study sessions into 3 phases, these are:
* The First Phase is the most crucial session which you can have in the morning, this will be a more focus oriented session, so better to study subjects which are numerical laden, subjects which you can study here are maths & physics.
* The Second Phase is the memory session wherein you can tackle subjects which requires to deal with lot of theory and stories. The subjects which can be studied here are social studies such as geography and history. This is a session which you can have in the afternoon or evening.
* The Third Phase is the shortest phase among the three, this is a phase which I would like to call the revision phase. In this phase, you can revise what you have studied throughout the day. You can just have a quick glance of daily studied things and you are done with this phase too. But it doesn’t mean to revise all of what you have studied, you can revise things like formulae, theorems, reaction, diagrams, dates, and maps.

Study Smart

The second tip to acing your studies is to study smart. You must’ve seen your parents and other people tell you that hard work is the key to success, sure it might be true but that is not the only way, yes, you heard that right, studying smart is also an effective way to acing and managing your studies. To do this, one of the method which all of you can try is by using “Feynman’s Learning Technique”. Just Follow these 3 simple steps to imitate the learning technique:
* Choose a Topic, this could be any topic from the subject that you want to learn, just select a topic and start learning about it.
* Teach it to a child (Could be Imaginary), as mentioned, upon learning, start teaching the same to a child, it could be imaginary as goal here is to see how well you can translate what you just learned.
* Identify Knowledge Gaps, the final step here is to identify the knowledge gap, topics which you found difficult to explain and learn it again unless you master it.

Preparatory Guidelines

The next step here is to have certain guidelines in mind which you shoudl be mindful of while studying.

1. Revise theorem and its derivation
2. Know about different topic’s weightage and mark distribution
3. Revise Formulae
4. Revise Standard Value Formulae
5. Refer previous year’s board papers

1. Know about different topic’s weightage and mark distribution
2. Refer previous year’s board papers
3. Practice Numericals
4. Practice Diagrams

1. Know about different topic’s weightage and mark distribution
2. Refer previous year’s board papers
3. Focus more on Carbon compounds and its nomenclature
4. Practice reactions numericals
5. Memorise periodic table with electronic configurations

1. Know about different topic’s weightage and mark distribution
2. Refer previous year’s board papers
3. Revise Organ functions
4. Revise the Genetics topic in particular
5. Practice diagrams

Language Subjects
1. Know about different topic’s weightage and mark distribution
2. Refer previous year’s board papers
3. Revise grammatical rules
4. Revise and learn essay and letter writing formats

Social Study
1. Know about different topic’s weightage and mark distribution
2. Refer previous year’s board papers
3. Try to remember long answers in points
4. Make your own historical calendars to understand and remember dates and events
5. Practice maps

Exam Day Strategy

Now that you have a good understanding on the above steps, you will also need to have a strategy in place for the D day, in order to ace your exams, you can focus on below mentioned tactics.
* Use the first 10 minutes to understand and go through the entire paper carefully, you should go through the entire paper and write down the answers in points next to questions. This helps you to remember answers.
* You should also prioritise your attempts, do those questions first which you believe are easy and can be answered quickly.
* Beware of silly mistakes which you have made in mock papers
* Keep an eye on the watch
* Write down answers in steps as marks are provided for the same.

Do’s & Don’ts

As we near the exam dates, a lot of you will be stressing on the same, but you can easily sail through the same given that you follow certain do’s and don’ts, let look at what these things are.

* Sleep well
* Do some physical exercise
* Revise properly
* Practice Mocks

* Procrastinate on Revision
* Panic
* Underestimate yourself
* Learn something new
* Compare yourself with others

