Follow These Steps To Ace The SAT Exam

Acing the SAT Exam is not a mountain to climb, Follow these steps to do the same.
4 min readJan 31, 2022

Like I’ve mentioned before, acing the SAT Exam is not a mountain to climb, it is indeed an easy way to get into your dream college provided you follow a strategy and timely approach to tasks. Don’t fret on it if you don’t have a plan yet, I am here just to give you that direction and make your journey easy, just follow these steps down below.

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First things first, a myth buster for those who think it’s all about how many questions you can solve. The SAT is indeed not a test of your intelligence, it is a test of your endurance and aptitude. One should really know about the exam and what it test, and have a plan developed accordingly. In this article, I will talk about the 5W’s plus H along with developing strategy and study plan.

Let’s get into the first W which is “WHO” should take the SAT Exam, it is literally for anybody who wants to study abroad, mainly in the US and Canada, however there are other countries accepting SAT scores too.

Next comes “WHAT” is SAT, it is a standardised test which basically judge you on your aptitude and endurance on basic high school level maths and your verbal ability and critical reasoning, what it doesn’t test you on is your intelligence.

Now comes “WHEN”, ideally you should take the test in 10th or 11th, but you can take it in 12th too, basically the idea here is too get yourself familiar with the test and also to ensure that you have a good knowledge on the Maths section. Below is the list of dates for test happening in this year:

Now let’s talk about “WHERE” you should take the exam, there are a list of test centres and high school centres wherein you can go and take the exam.

Most of you might be wondering, that “WHY” should you be taking the SAT test after all, well, I would be solving this by mentioning few points that would support my reasoning:
* SAT scores are considered for scholarships and endowment
* Most colleges accept SAT scores
* Scoring is considerably easy
* No negative marking
* Unlimited free scores that you can send in India

Lastly, I would talk about “HOW” can you take the steps, you can register yourself on the College Board Website, the link for which is below

Post visiting the site, you can follow these easy steps:
* Create a College Board profile
* Fill out the application form
* Choose testing centre and date
* Pay the application fee


Now comes the best part, perhaps what you guys are waiting for, which is how can one prepare oneself for the exam and land in the college of your dreams.

The very first step one should do is to take the diagnostic test, now what it does is that it tests where you currently stand, what you know and how much of ground you need to cover, it is the most crucial step in the journey for someone who wishes to get on the bandwagon that is SAT. There are many sites available on the internet but you can hop on to LearnQ’s Diagnostic Test.
You can just tap on the link below to take the Diagnostic test right away:

Now that you’ve understood where you stand, the second step is to get hold of certain books that will really help you and make your life easy.
To start with, the book that I will recommend you is the “The Official SAT Study Guide”, which might seem to some as a big fat book but it really helps, it has 10 practice test and gives you a general sense of the test structure.
Now, if you want to get more specific, I would recommend you to refer to books by “Barron’s”, “Kaplan”, “McGraw Hill” and the “Princeton Review”.

The above two test really gives you a booster or head start if you may, but what really gets you going is to ensure that you do someof the most important things.
Developing a study plan or a schedule that lists out a time table wherein you can divide the chapters and the topics based on when you want to master them and have your own personalised learning schedule which suits your learning pattern. Also, the other thing is to take mock tests regularly so that you can track your progress at regular intervals. One last things, which acts as a tip here is to ensure that you be consistent throughout the SAT journey. With that being said, ensure to practice each and every topic throughout the journey so that you don’t feel alienated towards any topic at a certain interval in time.

However, this is just a standardised approach for preparing and taking the test, as I believe, there is always a strategy which suits everyone differently, but sure this can suit as a starting point to someone who is new to the SAT and can build upon from here. But a common point from where everyone should start is by checking where they stand, so I would highly recommend one to start their journey by taking the Diagnostic Test.

